MYARF Report | Written by M.S. Anwar
October 13, 2013
Myanmar Military, Notorious for their Rapes against girls and women of different ethnic minorities such as Kachin, Karen, Shan and Rohingyas. (Photo:
Maung Daw, Arakan: At around 11PM on 10th October 2013, two Myanmar military from Battalion 345 raped a Rohingya woman at eastern Kammouk-Seik (Fakira Bazaar), northern Maung Daw.
“At around 11PM on 10th October 2013, two military from the battalion 345 arbitrarily raided the house of Mohammed Tayyub S/o Abul Qasim in his absence at eastern Kammouk-Seik (Fakira Bazaar), northern Maung Daw. The two military started harassing his wife, Safiyah D/o Imdad Hussain, and eventually raped her.
When she shouted out for help, the neighbors came for her rescue. The people tied up the two military and later handed them over to the village administrator, Tun Tun, who happens to be a Rakhine extremist. The village administrator set them free with no punishment. The two rapist criminal military personnel are:
1) Kyaw Thein Aung bearing ID No. 784491
2) Kyaw Hla Tun bearing ID No. 447318″ said a local elder.
“Nowadays, military and Hlun Hteins (Security Force) frequently rape Rohingya women. No body takes any action against the criminals” he added.