Maungdaw, Arakan State: Kyikanpyin (Kawabil) village had become uprooted after authority enforced the Rohingya villagers to registered as Bengali in the place of Rohingya –under race column – in government registration program - digital Photograph and signature – since June 3, according to a local elder who denied to be named. “More than 200 security forces – Burma border security force (Nasaka), Army, police and Hluntin – surrounded the village to stop fleeing the villagers from the village, to force the villagers to join the government registration program. But, most of the villagers –mostly male villagers- flee from their village leaving their all properties.” The village had become a war field area as the security forces destroyed all the properties of Rohingya and took the valuables things from Rohingya home. The forces destroy mostly the kitten wares and grain stock, said a school teacher from Maungdaw. “The forces stationed in the village like their out...