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Showing posts from March 15, 2014

WIRATHU: The Psychopath

By Haikal Mansor The Stateless March 15, 2014 We all know what types of names he is entitled to, what types of activities he performs or generates, what types of people are behind him and what type of personality disorder he has. Here is a poster I tried to describe the criteria that are met to consider him as "a dangerous Psychopath" from Psychiatric point of view. "The Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) is a commonly used diagnostic tool designed to access a person’s degree of Psychopathy that explicitly entails persistent and serious criminal behaviour. With the score of more than 25 is considered as 'psychopathy or psychopath'. In the case of Wirathu, he has a score of 28 putting him under the category of "Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder". Followings are the criteria met in PCL-R: 1. Glib and Superficial charm - Soft spoken and charming face 2. Grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self - regards himself as...