Maungdaw Cíddar Fara ( Village ) Maungdaw, Arakan State: High officials from Maungdaw have collected huge amount of money from new appointed village administration officers sine last February 15, said a village administrator officer who paid huge money to high officers. “The high officials – U Kyi San, Township administration officer and U Aung Myint Soe, District administration officer- were collecting huge amount of money from the candidate who had run village administration officer election and getting number three position in the election. After receiving the money form the last number candidate, issued appointment letter for post of village administration officer.” “Even, the high numbers of getting votes from the villagers in the village administration officer election, had also to pay money (starting from one million to 6 million) to the high officers to get official appointment letter, according to a former village administration officer from Maungdaw. ...