The Rohingya community, originally from Burma, were resettled in Carlow in June 2009 as part of the UNHCR (United Nations high commissioner for refugees) resettlement programme. The community lived in refugee camps in Bangladesh from the early 1991’s. The Rohingyas number approximately 1.5 million and have endured continued persecution and ethnic cleansing in Burma. About 1.5 million Rohingyas have been living in exile in many countries all over the world. The Rohingyas in Burma continue to suffer from several forms of persecution and human rights violations. 25 Rohingya men and women, over a period of 6 weeks, took part in an art project focusing primarily on their culture and their journey to Ireland. The mean’s group, supported by St. Catherine’s community services Center and the woman’s group supported by Carlow County development partnership Ltd. Were offered an outlet through art to explore their previous life with a positive focus on their future life i...