The Persecutions of Rohingya Muslims in Burma which highlighted at Geneva UN Human Rights Council ,Room XXVII, Palais de Nations on June 6, according to Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK) information. “The event was organized Human Rights Watch and more than 20 missions from different counties including US Mission, UK Mission and OIC mission.” In the event, Chris Lewa, the Director of Arakan Project, highlighted Northern Arakan State situation details; Melanie Teff from Refugees International raised about Humanitarian aid issues and Tun Khin President BROUK pinpointed about 1982 citizenship law and international community urgent action needed. At end of event, Josh Lyon, Human Rights Watch Satellite Imagery Analyst, showed power point presentation with the pictures of How Rohingya and Kaman Muslim systematically targeted. “Lobbying about 20 important missions to support international independent investigation on Arakan violence in this event w...