The Rohingya want only citizenship in their own land, and the dignity, human rights and opportunities that come with it Akbar Ahmed and Harrison Akins , Thursday 1 December 2011 15.48 GMT Article history Rohingya refugees in an encampment at a military base in Indonesia in 2009. Photograph: Binsar Bakkara/AP Every breath the young orphan girl took brought pain to her body and tears to her eyes. She had been abused by the family she worked for as a servant – probably sexually molested, according to her doctor, and then, so dishonoured, pushed into a fire to make her death seem accidental. They knew she had no official papers and therefore could not complain to the authorities. She was unceremoniously dumped at the gate of the Lada refugee camp in southern Bangladesh, where doctors in the camp cared for her. Horrible as her case was, the doctors knew she was but one of many similarly burnt young women they would see that month and were realistic about ...