Appeal to distinguished gentlemen and ladies regardless faith worldwide By Mohamed Ibrahim / Ibrahim Shah – Burma Times . 08 Feb 2014 - The ongoing state-sponsored silent Rohingya massacre is a catastrophe not only for Rohingya but also for the humanity at large. Thus, it is an obligation upon every individual who comes across this article to counsel Rohingya individuals and social and political parties to be unified to approach into consultative leadership to free from corrupted leadership that is the root of destruction of the unification and freedom of Rohingya people who are internationally recognized as one of the most persecuted victims; and to liberate the entire Rohingya society from long persecution. Charity begins at home; accordingly, to counsel each other amongst Rohingya to come forward to be unified is the double-obligation upon every Rohingya individuals. Let’s cogitate why it is significantly important for the consultative leadership to restore stripped...