COUNTY CARLOW was asked to take into their community, 16 Rohingya families (78 persons) from Burma/Myanmar who have been living in camps in Bangladesh under the protection of the UNHCR, as part of the UNHCR Resettlement Programme. Nationally the process is being managed by the Office of the Minister for Integration of the Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform. An Interagency Committee, through Carlow County Development Board structures, was brought together to support the process locally in County Carlow. Bicycle Safety Training Rohingya Women's Group The programme is going into its final year (with the aid of European Refugee funding and match funding by the local agencies) The Families are now in Carlow for nearly 3 years and have settled in well. Programmes ranged from language supports, youth groups, men and women groups, art classes, cycle lessons, setting up a cricket club etc all ...