Burma Times – A religious teacher from Kin Daung Village said on the condition of anonymity that the military personals from battalion 551 under the Dabru Chaung brigade, village administrator and their abettors are extorting, threatening and harassing to the villagers in different area inside and out side the kin Daung village tract under Buthidaung Township. The administrator of kin Daung village who lives in Dum Pine Buddhist village is collecting money 2000 or 3000 or 5000kyats from the villagers according to their status today on 30 NOV 2013. In this case his some puppets are helping to him in collecting the cash. Cunningly The administrator shows different reasons to the villagers when collecting cash from them such as district peace & development council (Ka Ya Ka ) and City peace and development council ( Ma Ya Ka) ordered to him to provide some cash or something etc. in deed they are selling the higher authorities name to for the extortion. If anybody try to...