A Rohingya shows scars from a wound he says was inflicted by kidnappers Photo by phuketwan.com By Chutima Sidasathian and Alan Morison October 12, 2014 TAKUAPA: Fifty-three boatpeople captured north of Phuket have made remarkable allegations that they were unwilling travellers from Bangladesh, kidnapped one by one by gangs and forced onto a fishing boat by human traffickers. If the claims are authenticated, then the exodus of the stateless Rohingya down Thailand's Andaman Sea coast from Burma and Bangladesh is now being exploited by brutal mercenaries, interested only in the profit that can be made from selling people. Thailand's Ministry of Social Development and Human Security is applying to a court in the town of Takuapa, north of Phuket, on Sunday to have the 53 boatpeople declared victims of human trafficking. A declaration by the court would prevent local police quickly deporting the group as illegal migrants and oblige officers to investigate ...