Rohingya & Rakhine Women take part in sewing training funded by UNHCR in Maungdaw, Myanmar. © UNHCR/K.Lynn By Aung Aung February 12, 2014 Inter-communal peace is acceptance of cultural and religious identity. Cultural diversity is inevitable both in Western and Eastern democracies. But over the past three decades, the term ethnic and religious has been being misused by the regime of Burma that caused 100s of violence against humanity throughout Burma. After 2nd World War, communal conflicts in the World took place known as Cold War which caused lost of millions of lives. Following the 9-11 terrorist attacks, new communal conflicts were systematically conducted by the particular politicians all over the World in the name of “War on Terrorism”. Myanmar regime took advantages of “War on Terrorism” started Buddhist propaganda by building Dhammaryun (Buddhist preaching house) in every street, every ward, every village and every school. Real road to pea...