Bangla Times: March 13th, 2013 By Mohamed Farooq The UN recorded that Rohingya is one of the most persecuted ethnic minorities in the world and discriminated against them for decades. The Riot between Rakhine and Rohingya in 2012 was completely preplanned by Burmese Senior Official Authorities and racist Rakhine terrorists to cleansing ethnic Rohingya minority. On 28 th May 2012, a Rakhine woman Ma Thida Htwe was raped and killed by military personnel and kept the dead body near a Rohingya village of Kyawk Ni Maw, Rambree. When the Rakhine villagers found the dead body near the Rohingya village, they threatened Rohingya that “We will burn down the whole village and kill all Rohingya” The authorities detained 3 Rohingya youths and pushed to death sentences. Moreover the racist Rakhine planned to kill Rohingya and distributed Pamphlets mentioning to cleanse Rohingya from Rakhine state written that “ Kill Kala (abusing word for use for Rohingya...