Tokyo, Japan: The Burmese Rohingya Association in Japan (BRAJ) staged a demonstration as a part of “The Rohingya Global Day of Action” in front of Burmese embassy, Tokyo, Japan, on September 15, 2011, according to Mohamed Khan,Joint Information Coordinator, BRAJ. Rohingya and its well-wisher holding placards in front of Burmese Embassy in Tokyo at “The Rohingya Global Day of Action” Demonstration in Japan “Rohingya in Japan and its well-wisher are demanding immediate withdrawal and cessation of anti-Rohingya propaganda and human rights violations by the Burmese civilianized military regime and restitution of Rohingya’s citizenship and ethnic rights in their homeland in Burma.” The Burmese Rohingya Association in Japan (BRAJ) organized ever biggest rally in Tokyo in response to the USDP Government’s racist statement in parliament of Burma against Rohingyas on the name of “The Rohingya Global Day of Action” “We are staging in the name of “The Rohingya Global Day of Action...