Maungdaw High School's photos By KPN Maungdaw, Arakan State: Village administration officer of Gora Khali of Maungdaw south has been collecting money from the local villagers to support schoolteachers since November 3, said Hassan (not real name) from the locality. On November 2, Abdu Rahim, the village Administration officer invited some local elders and held a meeting and discussed, regarding the collection of money. In the meeting, they decided to collect money from the villagers to support the schoolteachers; otherwise, the lives of students will be destroyed, said Hassan. Government gives salaries to the teachers and is taking responsibility by government to run the schools. Why do we have to pay money again?, said Jalal (not real name), a local from the village. “We have no money, no jobs to support the teacher.” The government doesn’t support the schoolteachers of Rohingya who are appointed by local villagers. The government only supports the Rakhine teacher...