Maungdaw, Arakan state: More than 35 Rohingya fire-wood collectors were severely tortured by a group of Rakhine extremists on April 22, in the evening, at Maungdaw Township, Hashim said from Maungdaw.“They were severely beaten up by Rakhines extremists while they were returning to homes after collecting firewood from the forest.” Some victims have been identified as—- Sayed Hussain (20), Rashid Ullah (25), Sayed Kasim (30), Sultan (40), Habib Ullah (30), Md. Siddik (25), Sodu (30), Monjur Aman (28), Abdu Rakim (22), Noor Alam (25), Abdul Amin (40), Nurul Amin (45), Abdu, Monaf (15), they all hailed from Khonza Bill village under Aley Than Kyaw village tract of Maungdaw south. According to sources, many Rohingya fire-wood collectors from different villages— Khonza Bill village, Sommona village and Udaung village went to nearby forest to collect fire-wood on that day early morning. Of them, some Rohingya fire-wood collectors were caught by a group of Rakhine ex...