U Wirathu is received by the Arakanese community in Ponnagyun Township last week. (Photo: virathu.com) By Lawi Weng The Irrawaddy March 17, 2014 RANGOON — Nationalist Buddhist monk U Wirathu visited strife-torn Arakan State and joined large protests against the upcoming census over the weekend. Local Arakanese Buddhists oppose the census because it will allow the stateless Rohingya minority to register their ethnic identity as they wish. On Sunday, protests against the UN-supported census where held in nine townships in Arakan State. U Wirathu, who heads the controversial 969 movement, which is accused of spreading hate speech against Muslims, told The Irrawaddy he participated in order to voice support for the protests. “I joined the protest in Myebon [Township] and encouraged protesters because there is no such Rohingya name in our country,” he claimed. “But they are trying to create and have this this name—it is not fair.” Arakanese politicians and many ...