Burma Times December 14, 2013 According to a teacher from Wa Ma Kya village said on the condition of anonymity, the authority of buthidaung township and village administrators of the Takan Kwa Sone village, Maw Taw biz village, Boon Gyi village (Sayed bawli fara), Kwa Son Village(Fatayma fara) and Wa Ma Kya village of the Takan Kwa Sone Village tract under Buthidaung Township have restricted the villagers going to the nearest mountain and one village to another village, etc. Usually most of the villagers survive by selling fire woods that bring from the nearest mountain. At present they couldn’t go to bring the firewood from it as they were warned by the authorities not to go to the mountain. So many villagers are in serious troubles.The mountain is about 10km far away from the Rohingya villages and they have to cross the Rakhine villages to go to the mountain. Besides the Rohingya villagers cannot go from one village to another village without the written p...