In each and every single City of Arakan (Burma), Nasaka(Border Guards), Riot Police and Rakhine Extremists are Continuously threatening Rohingya inhumanely. Extremists Rakhine and Authority. Photo 2012 Mohamed Farooq Mayupress: April 22, 2013 On April 17, 2013, police had detained more than forty Rohingya; teenagers, youths and adults from Kyeinn Chaung (Bollibazar) and Aung Sit Pyan, are the tracks of Maungdaw district, Arakan. During raining days and nights in Arakan, Buddhist Rakhine boys and old men as groupings and individually spread everywhere towards searching frogs from the farm fields and Rohingya villages’ houses compounds having a light torch, long steel sharpen rods and containers. The heavy rain and extreme blowing occurred on the night of 16 April 13. Traditionally, the Rakhine went out to hunting frogs to the areas of Rohingyas’ vegetable farms and houses’ fences. Some Rohingya men were watching their respective veget...