By Ibrahim Shah / Mohamed Ibrahim Burma Times October 18, 2014 New Delhi: Today, on Saturday, 18thOctober, a peaceful demonstration regarding ‘the ongoing forced Bengalization over Rohingya through Rakhine Action Plan, arbitrarily detention, disappearance of Rohingya detainees from police custody and controversial Burma Census 2014’ was carried out by about four hundreds exiled Rohingyas including female under authority of Rohingya Youth Union-India at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. In the demonstration, the participants disclosed that the exclusion of Rohingya national from controversial Burma census 2014 is one of the concealed plots of quasi-military regime led by President Thein Sein to persistently deprive of citizenship rights of Rohingya. Moreover,the demonstrators demanded that UN should be able to immediately prevent Rakhine Action Plan which is being conducted under 1982 Burma Citizenship Act drafted by Dictator Ne Win as the Burmese ...