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Showing posts from April 6, 2014

Day 7 & 8: Rohingya and Population Census in Arakan

Monday, April 7, 2014 R 1- Sittwe (Akyab) Township, Arakan State - Starting at 8AM on 5 th  April 2014, a group of 200 Police Force, 100 Military, 250 Census Enumerators, immigration officials and other respective authorities visited the villages of Ala-Sin (Alsang), Nga-Point-Gyi (Nappong), Nga-Point-Shay (Mush Khylla Fara) and Doon-Pyin-south (Shabok) one village after another. They just inquired of the villagers of their ethnicity. As people replied ‘Rohingya,’ the group left the respective villages without carrying out the census. In Doon-Pyin-North, they encountered a Kaman family and the cenus team completed all of the 41 questions and census enumeration itself.  (Saed Arkani Report) ………………………………………………………………. - Starting at 8AM on 6 th  April 2014, a crew of 250 census enumerators, 250 Police Personnel, 150 Military, Immigration officials and...

Who is responsible for Rohingya Ethnic cleansing of Myanmar?

Displacement and discrimination continue to affect Rohingya (Evangelos Petratos EU/ECHO January 2013) By Aung Aung April 06, 2014 One of the beauties of majority people of Myanmar is obedient to the leader. As I mentioned before, majority people are kind, simple, peaceful, obedient and tolerant. The priceless morality of majority became a golden chance for Myanmar dictators who have beenmisusing those good qualities for their selfish carnal desires. Rohingya ethnic cleansing has been a State policy of Burma since 1960s because of ultra-nationalism by General Ne Win. Ne Win failed to make majority Buddhist to hate non-Buddhists in 40 years, why? I believe that majority Buddhists want to prolong friendship and curtail enmity according to their tradition. Military Junta realized it and started implementing another cruel method by building Dhammaryun everywhere after 1988 nation-wide protest for democracy against regime. Military Junta built Dhammaryun, pagodas, monasteri...

Dr. Fuller's Ludicrous Theory about ethnocentric Buddhism

By Dr. Habib Siddiqui April 6, 2014 My attention has been drawn to Dr. Paul Fuller's article which has appeared in the DVB. Here below I share my observations. Throughout history there have always been people, even those who appear to be intellectuals, who justified the crimes of despots and ruthless murderers under certain pretexts. There were no shortages of German, Austrian and Italian fascist intellectuals who were not only supporters of the Nazi Fascism of the Hitler era but greatly promoted the evil cause. One would have thought that Nuremberg Trials and the wholesale condemnation of the evil ideology in the subsequent years and decades had put that dark chapter behind us, and no one and surely not the so-called educated intellectuals who teach at the college and university levels would be a devil's advocate. But our expectations have always been unrealistic. There are still evil geniuses around our world who are willing to act as intellectual whores and p...