Monday, April 7, 2014 R 1- Sittwe (Akyab) Township, Arakan State - Starting at 8AM on 5 th April 2014, a group of 200 Police Force, 100 Military, 250 Census Enumerators, immigration officials and other respective authorities visited the villages of Ala-Sin (Alsang), Nga-Point-Gyi (Nappong), Nga-Point-Shay (Mush Khylla Fara) and Doon-Pyin-south (Shabok) one village after another. They just inquired of the villagers of their ethnicity. As people replied ‘Rohingya,’ the group left the respective villages without carrying out the census. In Doon-Pyin-North, they encountered a Kaman family and the cenus team completed all of the 41 questions and census enumeration itself. (Saed Arkani Report) ………………………………………………………………. - Starting at 8AM on 6 th April 2014, a crew of 250 census enumerators, 250 Police Personnel, 150 Military, Immigration officials and...