Stories of statelessness and displacement in the October issue of our digital magazine. Last Modified: Al Jazeera October 06, 2013 At the beginning of 2013, more than 45 million people had been forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of armed conflict, violence and human rights violations, and the number is rising every day. In the October issue of the Al Jazeera digital magazine, we tell some of their stories - from the Rohingya babies born stateless in IDP camps in Myanmar to the Afghans risking their lives to reach European cities where they encounter dangers and difficulties as real as those they fled. We explore the power of the Right of Return to unite generations of Palestinians, whether they reside in refugee camps in the Middle East or comfortable homes in the West. While, in Lebanon, we meet Palestinians who have once again been forced to flee - this time from the conflict in Syria. We examine traditional cultures - from t...