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Showing posts from January 7, 2014

Thailand: Protect Rohingya ‘Boat Children’

Most Rohingya boat people are men, but women and children are the most vulnerable. End Collusion with Traffickers; Shelter Families By  Human Rights Watch January 06, 2014 ( Bangkok) -  Thailand ’s government should urgently send ethnic Rohingya children from  Burma  and their families to safe and open family shelters. New research documents abuses by Thai authorities, who should take action against camps in southern Thailand used for trafficking Rohingya and punish officials complicit in abuse. As weather conditions improve, increased numbers of Rohingya, a Muslim minority that is effectively denied citizenship in Burma, have been crossing to Thailand in often-rickety boats.  This has included numerous children, many of whom are unaccompanied by parents. “Rohingya children need safe, secure environments after fleeing violence in Burma and enduring the trauma of difficult journeys,” said  Alice Farmer , children’s rights resear...