Wednesday, 8th August 2012, 1:00 am
In Sittwe
source: by Rohingya Blogger
“Today, three Hindus were arrested at Kyaung Gyi Quarter of Sittwe by the Military and sent to the Police custody. It is informed that these three Hindus were on their way to set fire to the Rohingyas’ villages at the Kyaung Gyi Lan area. According to a local man, the Hindus were asked and made to do so by the chairman of Kyaung Gyi who
is a Rakhine. BARUA Buddhists (a sub-group of Rakhine who reside in both Bangladesh and Burma), Hindus of Bengali Origin are of same physical appearance, tongue and language, and similar culture and tradition with Rohingyas. Taking of advantage of their similarities with Rohingyas, they are being misused by the Rakhine extremist leaders for their own advantages. As a result, they have become tools for Rakhine extremists in violence against Rohingyas in Arakan so far.
is a Rakhine. BARUA Buddhists (a sub-group of Rakhine who reside in both Bangladesh and Burma), Hindus of Bengali Origin are of same physical appearance, tongue and language, and similar culture and tradition with Rohingyas. Taking of advantage of their similarities with Rohingyas, they are being misused by the Rakhine extremist leaders for their own advantages. As a result, they have become tools for Rakhine extremists in violence against Rohingyas in Arakan so far.
In Myay-Bone
The houses of Rohingyas amid Rakhine villages were razed to the ground by the Rakhine hooligans in Myay-Bone today. Consequently, Rohingyas have become homeless and nowhere to take shelter. They are now in the situation of starvation and in the state of trauma with no hope. Besides, Rakhine brainwashed extremist youths have constantly been harassing Rohingyas and throwing stones at Rohingyas’ houses all the time (mostly at night). Even though Martial Law, which forbids ones to go out of their houses after 6pm, is declared and still in effect, Rakhines can freely move around and no authorities do anything to them who have been consistently attacking Rohingyas. Therefore, the Martial Law declared in Myay-Bone is effective to Rohingyas only.
In Buthidaung
On 6th August 2012, seven Rohingyas from Buthidaung Township were sentenced to ten years imprisonment. They were, at first, arrested from their respective homes and locked in the jail without any trial. Shockingly, later, they were prosecuted under “three sections of acts” though the cases against them were fabricated and pre-planned by the police head. As of the situation today, the police and court (which were made up of Rakhines) in collaboration with other hate-mongering extremist Rakhines can arrest, charge any Rohingya and put them into the jail anytime” reported by Thant Myo from Buthidaung.
In Kyawk Taw
We reported to you yesterday that one village in Kyawk Taw called Ambaari were torched by the Rakhine terrorists with the help of local Security Guards, Police and Military. “The village was razed to the ground today. Thousands of Rohingyas were displaced and are living with no shelter and food. All their (Rohingyas’) ways of access to foods are blocked by Rakhine murderers and authority. Hence, they are starving to death. Furthermore, we are informed many Rohingyas are being killed by Rakhines and local authorities. It is not confirmed yet how many numbers of Rohingyas were killed today” Alam reported from Buthidaung.
“Rohingyas have been being shot dead on their way back homes from their farmlands, bazaars and wherever they are found. Rohingyas who go out of their homes in search of foods, medicines are being arrested and put into the police custodies without any reason. They are, there, tortured by the authorities and Rakhines through different means and some of them are released after the extortion of huge amount of money. When Rohingyas defend to save their lives and properties, they are put into the prison for a long-term imprisonment with no reason. When Rakhines terrorize Rohingyas, they (Rakhines) are portrayed as victims. Hence, they are playing double standard. They are treated like slaves in the Dark Age from whom authorities always try to extort ransom amount of money for their releases and tortured whenever they like. They have become like animals or birds that are killed with no hesitance” an elderly Rohingya from Maung Daw exclaimed.
Compiled and Revised M.S. Anwar