High level police officer robs a Rohingya store in Maungdaw
Maungdaw, Arakan State: A high level police officer from Maungdaw has been robbed a Rohingya store today morning, according to a trader from Maungdaw.
“U Myo Win, the Commander of the District Police Force of Maungdaw called Hajee Dil Mohamed –A Rohingya store owner- from Myothu Gyi village to his store stationed at Aung Gyi line of Maungdaw where the officer ordered foodstuff worth around 30 million kyat.”
All the goods were transferred to a truck and the police officer ordered to move the truck. When the store owner asked the police officer about the money of goods?, according to an elder from Maungdaw“U Myo Win, the Commander of the District Police Force of Maungdaw called Hajee Dil Mohamed –A Rohingya store owner- from Myothu Gyi village to his store stationed at Aung Gyi line of Maungdaw where the officer ordered foodstuff worth around 30 million kyat.”
What money you are asking from me? It is our goods and goes back to your home otherwise I will arrest you, said the Police officer to the store owner.
The Police officer called me to buy goods for donations and asked me to open the store where he took the entire foodstuff which will cost around 30 million kyats. After taking all goods and left the store without payment. When I asked for payment, he told me foe what and will arrest me if ask again the payment? I believed him as an officer and no idea of robbery to me, according to Hajee Dil Mohamed.
The military intelligence officers arrested two Rohingya – Ibarahim and Serize – from Alaythankayaw village today where security force round up the village. All the young and male flee from the village for fear of arrest while the security force entered the village, according to an elder from the village.
The military intelligence officers with police officer arrested Dil Mohamed, son of Abul Bashar and Kamal Hasson , 24, son of Mohamed Shafi from Maungdaw north today.
Abu Majed and Abdullah were arrested Hluntin, Rakhine and acting administrator officer Mujeb Ullah from Ward number 2 today.
Hindu community show as Rohingya in Maungdaw
The authority arranged to meet Rohingya (Hindu community) with 88 student leaders who visited Maungdaw today. The authority showed Hindu community as Rohingya to meet the student leaders while the leader want to see the Rohingya community in Maungdaw.