All forms of forced labour should be eliminated once and for all for enhancing the eternal principles which are justice, freedom and equality
PYI TAW, 1 May-The following is the full text of the message sent by
President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Agga Maha Thayay
Sithu, Agga Maha Thiri Thuddhamma U Thein Sein on the occasion of May
I extend my warmest regards to you the entire workers of the country
who are striving for national economic development within your
intellectual and physical capacities and industriousness through
might and main in building a modern, developed democratic nation and
wish you all physical and spiritual well-being on May Day, 1st May
is an especial day and indeed remarkably meaningful for the workers
of Myanmar as May Day is being celebrated nationwide this year to
honour the workers like in many other countries that observe this
special occasion on 1st May.
have a decent work for every one is a fundamental objective of the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar that is implementing the Rural
Development and Poverty Alleviation task by setting up (8) work
programmes. To realize the said objective, efforts are being made for
ensuring rapid flow of domestic and foreign investments into the
country. As the number of factories, industrial estates, industrial
zones and special economic zones, small and medium enterprises and
regional business is increasing, the labour market that could create
more job opportunities and establish sustainable professions emerges.
The work efficiency promotion policy has also been adopted as it is
crucially important for the productivity of a country.
the Government is focusing on ensuring rights based on Social Justice
for entire workers. So, the Government enacted Law, rules and
regulations and permitted the formation of independent labour
organizations to protect the rights of workers, to foster better
relations among workers and between employers and workers.
a new Social Security Law which could provide more social protection
including the right of medical care, cash benefit, free medical care
after retirement, family assistance, superannuation pension benefit
and unemployment benefit, invalidity benefit, employment injury
benefit, funeral benefit, survivor’s benefit and benefits of social
security housing project has been drafted.
elected government has been in the office for over a year and it is
high time we should eliminate all forms of forced labour once and for
all for the enhancing the eternal principles of justice, liberty,
equality in the Union. Forced or compulsory labour shall mean all
work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of
any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself
the process of eradicating forced labour in Myanmar has been
accelerated and International Labour Organization and the government
of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar have launched a Joint
Strategy for the absolute elimination of forced labour in Myanmar by
conclusion, I would like to urge all the workers and workers’
organizations, employers’ and employers’ organizations to work
together with the Union Government in unity having a strong
determination in building a modern, developed democratic nation.
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