Aung San Suu Kyi claims victory for the NLD outside the party
headquarters in Rangoon on Monday. (PHOTO: Irrawaddy)
Burma’s Union Election Commission has announced the results of Sunday’s by-elections for 40 of the 45 contested seats. Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) has been proclaimed the winner in every constituency, including all four seats in the military stronghold of Naypyidaw.
The announcement was made on state TV and carried in Burma’s state media, though the pro-government New Light of Myanmar only featured the results on page 16 of its Tuesday issue.
It listed the official results for 35 seats in the Lower House of Parliament, or Pyithu Hluttaw, proclaiming the NLD winners in every contested constituency. The NLD also won three seats in the Upper House, or Amyotha Hluttaw, as well as the two contested state and regional seats.
Results for the five remaining seats—all of which are in Sagaing Division—are expected to be announced on Tuesday evening.