Kaladan News
“U Khin Zaw Win, the Burmese envoy had a fruitful discussion with Rohingya politicians, businessmen, overseas workers and elders at a lunch party hosted by Rohingyas at Lasani Hotel in Jeddah.”
“The Ambassador and his team, Mohamed Rafique, the chairman of Rohingya League for Democracy (Burma), RLDB – a political party based in Jeddah - and some RLDB’s CEC members, Rohingya businessmen, Rohingya elders and Burmese expatriate workers from Jeddah region were attended in the lunch party program,” according to RLDB information desk.
The lunch party was organized by RLDB and the keynote speech was delivered by Mohamed Younous, the owner of Alabeer cold store, the RLDB information desk said.
The discussions were mainly for “registering Rohingyas from Saudi Arabia and subsequently issuing them with Burmese passports, repatriation of Rohingyas prisoners from Saudi Arabian prisons to their home country (Burma), establishing a Burmese school in Jeddah and assuring lost rights of Rohingyas in Burma and abroad” a Rohingya who had joined the lunch party said on condition of anonymity.
“Rohingya prisoners’ information are collecting and checking their identity in the prisons of Jeddah and Makkah to verify as a Burmese after the discussion meeting with Burmese envoy.”
The military junta always denied and discriminated Rohingya citizen rights and other social rights; during 2009, Rohingyas were as ugly as ogres, said U Ye Myint Aung, the Burmese consular to Hong Kong, proving Burmese regime discrimination against Rohingyas while the worldwide watched the Rohingya boatpeople and the current Burmese parliament (Hluttaw) convened in last September, the immigration minister U Khin Yee, also said Rohingyas were illegal Bangali immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh despite well existence of historical evidences supporting Rohingyas being ancient citizens of Arakan. But, now the Burmese envoy from Saudi Arabia is showing green signal to Rohingya. How long it will give these signal and will Rohingya get indigenous and birth rights in Burma which the Rohingya have lost for half a century in Arakan and now they are scattered in many countries living as refugees?, said a Rohingya politician from Makkah.
This olive branch from President Thein Sein’s government is probably the result of the recent mounting criticisms from international leaders; British foreign secretary William Hague and UN Special Rapporteur Tomas Ojea Quintana about regime’s maltreatments on Rohingyas. International community has always reiterated the importance of National Reconciliation in Burma reforms for genuine democracy and now it is the sign that Burmese leaders have been successfully convinced and now taking serious steps towards achieving it.
Chittagong, Bangladesh: Burmese envoy to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia met with Rohingya during his visited to Jeddah on February 17, according to an elder from Rohingya community from Jeddah.
Burmese envoy U Khin Zaw Win with Rohingya from Jeddah
“U Khin Zaw Win, the Burmese envoy had a fruitful discussion with Rohingya politicians, businessmen, overseas workers and elders at a lunch party hosted by Rohingyas at Lasani Hotel in Jeddah.”
“The Ambassador and his team, Mohamed Rafique, the chairman of Rohingya League for Democracy (Burma), RLDB – a political party based in Jeddah - and some RLDB’s CEC members, Rohingya businessmen, Rohingya elders and Burmese expatriate workers from Jeddah region were attended in the lunch party program,” according to RLDB information desk.
The lunch party was organized by RLDB and the keynote speech was delivered by Mohamed Younous, the owner of Alabeer cold store, the RLDB information desk said.
Burmese envoy U Khin Zaw Win, Mohamed Rafiqur (chirman RLDB), Mohamed Yousuf (Alabeer cold store) and Mostafa in lunch party at Lasani Hotel in Jeddah.
The discussions were mainly for “registering Rohingyas from Saudi Arabia and subsequently issuing them with Burmese passports, repatriation of Rohingyas prisoners from Saudi Arabian prisons to their home country (Burma), establishing a Burmese school in Jeddah and assuring lost rights of Rohingyas in Burma and abroad” a Rohingya who had joined the lunch party said on condition of anonymity.
“Rohingya prisoners’ information are collecting and checking their identity in the prisons of Jeddah and Makkah to verify as a Burmese after the discussion meeting with Burmese envoy.”
The military junta always denied and discriminated Rohingya citizen rights and other social rights; during 2009, Rohingyas were as ugly as ogres, said U Ye Myint Aung, the Burmese consular to Hong Kong, proving Burmese regime discrimination against Rohingyas while the worldwide watched the Rohingya boatpeople and the current Burmese parliament (Hluttaw) convened in last September, the immigration minister U Khin Yee, also said Rohingyas were illegal Bangali immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh despite well existence of historical evidences supporting Rohingyas being ancient citizens of Arakan. But, now the Burmese envoy from Saudi Arabia is showing green signal to Rohingya. How long it will give these signal and will Rohingya get indigenous and birth rights in Burma which the Rohingya have lost for half a century in Arakan and now they are scattered in many countries living as refugees?, said a Rohingya politician from Makkah.
First secretary and embassy staffs from Burmese Embassy in Saudi Arabaia at Lasani Hotel in Jeddah