BROUK highlight discrimination against Rohingya in Norwegian Parliament and Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival
Kaladan News
Chittagong, Bangladesh: Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK) President Maung Tun Khin (aka) Ziaul Gaffar highlighted untold suffering Rohingya people’s situation in Norwegian Parliament, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign affairs and Human Rights and Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival in Oslo on February 9, according to Ahmed Hussein Jarmal, General Secretary, BROUK.
U Tun Khin, president of BROUK with Norway former Prime Minister and other officials
Tun Khin, the BROUK, president met several high level officials from Norwegian government including the Norwegian former prime minister Mr. Kjell Magne Bondevik who is also director of Oslo Centre for Peace and Human Rights where he highlighted discrimination against Rohingya and their situation in northern Arakan, according to their press statement.
“I had an extremely valuable discussion with the Former Prime Minister of Norway. I express our gratitude for his long time efforts for human rights and democracy for Burma. I urged him to continue to put pressure on the Thein Sein Regime to stop human rights violations in ethnic areas particularly in Arakan State where Rohingyas are facing serious persecution,” said Tun Khin, the president of BROUK.
Tun Khin with Member of Parliament Peter Skovholt Gitmark (Standing Committee on Foregin Affirs and Defence).
Recently, the Norwegian government is engaging with the Thein Sein Regime and cancelled its earlier calls for Norwegian Companies not to do business or invest in Burma.
The BROUK president also called the government of Norwegian to urge the regime to restore Rohingya citizenship rights, ethnic rights, to lift restrictions on marriage, movement, education, and to find a permanent solution for Rohingya refugees who are living in Bangladesh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Malaysia while meeting with high level government official.
“I am extremely satisfied with the meeting with various officials from Norwegian government, parliamentary members and NGOs including Norwegian People's Aid -- Largest NGO in Norway and currently thinking to take part heavily to develop in Burma-- in which we were able to raise awareness about the suffering of all the people of Burma, and particularly the plight of the Rohingyas who are not receiving much international attention and less International NGOs are working for suffering Rohingya in northern Arakan,” said BROUK president Tun Khin.
“I delivered the message that if Thein Sein regime wants to do genuine reform, the Burmese government has to stop human rights violations against all ethnic areas including Rohingya’s areas.”
“The regime is not showing even little sign of change on the Rohingya, instead tagging Rohingyas as foreigners, ignoring their glorious past and establishments in our own homeland.”
“Recent changes might be just to ease sanctions from western governments and I must say it is too early to lift the sanctions on Burma.”
In the evening, the BROUK president Tun Khin participated with Rohingya traditional dress in the Panel discussion “The Exodus of Rohingyas” at the Human Rights Human Wrongs documentary film festival in Oslo where about 70 people joined to the event including Norwegian Foreign Officials, Former Prime Minister’s Office, and Norwegian NGOs., according to Tun Khin, the president of the BROUK.
Tun Khin with Rohingya traditional dress in the Panel discussion “The Exodus of Rohingyas”
Tun Khin explained the Rohingya History and the recognitions of Democratic government of U NU era with references and evident. He also explained about Rohingya dress which was open used in the Democratic government of U NU era but it was kept in the dark by Dictator Ne Win and it was all most disappear in the recent period.
“I also share the situation Rohingya in northern Arakan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh with Democratic Voice of Burma –DVB in Oslo after the event,” Tun Khin said.
Tun Khin with Rohingya traditional dress in DVB studio for interview
The film "The Exodus of the Rohingyas" describes the nightmarish legal limbo they are living in. The Rohingyas, a Muslim minority group in Burma, were made stateless in 1982 by the military dictatorship. Thousands of Rohingyas have fled brutal suppression in their home country to poverty, misery and abuse in neighboring Bangladesh. Bangladesh does not accept them as refugees while Burma does not want them back. After the film, follows a debate: The Rohingyas of Burma are stateless and have been living in misery for decades. They are a forgotten people. Why is it so difficult to find a solution to their situation and to give them a life with dignity?, according to and website.