Joint press release
We the undersigned organizations have strongly condemned President Thein Sein for his disowning the Rohingyas. It is an irresponsible action that the President had proposed UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres that sending the Rohingyas to refugee camps run by the UNHCR was the “only solution” to the issue. He also nonsensically said, “We will send them away if any third country would accept them”.
The statement of the President Thein Sein affirms the Government’s premeditated plan and direct involvement in the killing, destruction, rape, extortion, loot and starvation of the Rohingyas in Arakan. It can be considered a case of genocide.
The Rohingyas have a long glorious history in Arakan. There is no doubt the Rohingya population has been in Burma since before the formation of the State. By international law they are NOT ‘stateless’ in Burma. They conform to a genuine and effective link with no other State except Burma. The Government does not wish to recognize Rohingyas’ citizenship does not make them stateless.
The fundamental obligations of the State are to protect all persons within its jurisdictions. It is factually nonsense to call ‘illegally entered Rohingyas’. It is time for Bangladesh to stand up against Burmese Government’s false accusation.
We, therefore, appeal to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to immediately intervene in the issue in order to save the life, property, honour and human dignity of the Rohingya people. We also urge upon the EU, ASEAN, USA and all governments and international community to pressurize the Burmese Government to stop persecution of Rohingyas and to restore their rights and freedom on par with other ethnic groups of the country.
Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO),
Burmese Rohingya Association Japan (BRAJ)
Burmese Rohingya Association Deuschland (BRAD)
Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT)
Burmese Rohingya Community in Australia (BRCA)
Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK)
National Democratic Party for Human Rights (In Exile)
Rohingya Community in Norway (RCN)
Rohingya League for Democracy (Burma) (RLDB)
For more information , please contact:
Aman Ullah +880-15584 86910
U Hla Aung +33 -629258793
U Tun Khin +44- 788 871 4866
Source by http://www.rohingyablogger.com